Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dock Changes Everyday!

Hello penguins! The dock changes everyday.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Red Electric Guitar!

Hello penguins! To get the Electric Guitar click the dot on "i" on music and buy it.
Until then...waddle on!

The Music Jam's ROCKSSS!!

Hello penguins! The Music Jam T-Shirts are at the Plaza.
The Maracas are at the Cove.
There is a new V.I.P room at the dock backstage.There is also a catalog there.

At the Snow Forts there are t-shirts.

Here's the new game.

If I have missed anything out, please let me know!

Until then...waddle on!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Changed Already?

Hello penguins! The DJ table has changed already. They changed the colour of the penguin to greeen, put little logo´s on the bottom that say "DJ 3K" which stands for Disk Jockey 3000 a bit like the Switbox 3000 or the Pizzatron 3000. So that rings a bell, Gary the Gadget Boy made it. SWEET!
Until then...waddle on!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Game, Friday!!

Hello penguins! A new DJ music game will be launched on Friday, 4:59am. That DJ table been there for ages and CP haven´t ever got this close of bringing it to life. These month´s (July and August) are music month´s and cp first game about music.
Until then...waddle on!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Pin Cheat!

Hello penguins! The Musical Note Pin is at the Pool.
Until then...waddle on!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Furniture Catalog Secrets!

Hello penguins! There are 4 new secrets in this months catalog and all to do with music.
The Clam is 305 coins and to get it click the seaweed. To get the Flower Planter click the palm tree.
Click the Upright Piano for the Guitar Stand.
To get the Vegatable Garden click the Coffee Shop Tree.

Until then...waddle on!

Friday, July 4, 2008

New Pin Cheat!

Hello penguins!
The Rocket Firework pin is on the umbrella at Cove.
Until then...waddle on!

New Clothing and New Wigs!

Hello penguins! A new musical clothing catalog came out today and i've got all the secrets and there's seven.
Click the belt on Elvis for the Viking Helmet.
Click the belt 4 more times for the Blue Viking Helmet.
Click the Depth Gauge for the Diver's Helmet.
Click the top corner of the Tabards for the Woodmans Hat.
Click the window of the castle for the Crystal Staff.
Click the Green Boots for the Chessy Necktie.Click the Spikestar for the Spikette.

Until then...waddle on!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Hello penguins! There is fireworks at the Iceberg and the Ski Mountain.
Until then...waddle on!